Hello, Let's Play!
Are you a home visitor or infant/toddler teacher working with a family who has a child who will be going to preschool soon? If so, then this book was written with you in mind!
From the Author:
Hello, Let's Play! Preparing for Preschool gives an overview of what can take place throughout the day in an inclusive early childhood setting. This includes arrival at school, whole group time, choice time, reading, singing songs, eating, outside playtime, and dismissal.
This book was designed for all children and includes colorful and diverse pictures of preschoolers and teachers interacting throughout the school day. There are a variety of children represented in this book, including preschoolers with low vision, children who are hard of hearing, and a child who uses a wheelchair. This book represents the diversity represented in inclusive early childhood programs today.
Hello, Let’s Play! Preparing for Preschool includes a list of suggestions to help families prepare for the transition to preschool.